Heroes of HEFC - extra generosity during pandemic
October edition by Lynn Sherwood Greetings to everyone living in our beautiful Alta Vista during this strange and challenging fall...
Heroes of HEFC - Doug and Nancy Chateauneuf
HEROES OF HEFC - September 2020 edition Lynn Sherwood As we approach the end of this strange summer I am glad to report that, considering...
Statement on Covid-19
March 17, 2020 Heron Emergency Food Centre is in ongoing consultation with the Ottawa Public Health Department and the Ottawa Food Bank...
Heroes of HEFC December- Lisa Wilson and Pastoral Committee of St.Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church
This past September an organization called FeedOntario – a coalition of Ontario food banks, released a report which revealed that the...
HEFC AGM held on April 16th
Held at the Heron Road Community Centre 3rd floor for the AGM at 7 pm
Heroes of Heron Emergency Food Centre - Ottawa Food Bank
Eighty per cent of the food we distribute comes from The Ottawa Food Bank, while local community donations, from folk like you, provide...
Heroes of Heron Emergency Food Centre - meet one of our clients
"I thank you so, so much for helping us. You gave us a beautiful Christmas and it honestly changed my life" by Lynn Sherwood, February...